Bid & Tender

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Project Summary
Project Name: Saudi Power Procurement Company's (SPPC) NREP - Round 5
Facility Type: Solar Power Plant
Client: Saudi Power Procurement Company (SPPC)
Budget (US $): 7,700,000,000
Project Initiation: Not Given
Project Completion:: Dec 10, 2028
Status: EPC Awarded,
Location: Eastern Province, Hail, Madinah and Makkah Province
Project Current Status

The EPC contract has been awarded to Shandong Electric Power Construction (Sepco) of China for the construction of a 300 MWac photovoltaic power project, Rabigh 2. The scope of the contract includes the construction of a 300 MWac photovoltaic power station, a supporting 33kV/110kV booster station and a 110kV overhead line. (January 2025)

Project History
  • Saudi Power Procurement Company (SPPC) has released the request for qualification (RFQ) for the fifth round of solar projects under the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) which is led and supervised by the Ministry of Energy. The RFQs are due for submission by 5 December, 2023. (November 2023)
  • SPPC has pre-qualified firms for the fifth round of solar projects under the NREP which is led and supervised by the Ministry of Energy. The companies pre-qualified for the projects are: Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC – Masdar, Al Jomaih Energy & Water Co. Ltd., Alfanar Company, B. Grimm Power Public Company Limited, BGL Renewable Energy Systems Installation LLC, EDF Renouvelables S.A., FAS Energy KSA LLC, GEK TERNA S. A, Gulf Energy Development Public Company Limited, ITOCHU Corporation, JERA Co. Inc, Jinko Power (HK), Kahrabel FZE, Korea Electric Power Corporation, Marubeni Corporation, Nebras Power Q.P.S.C., Nesma Renewable Energy, Power Construction Corporation of China, Samsung C&T Corporation, Saudi Electricity Company, SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development Co. Ltd., Sumitomo Corporation, Total Energies Renewables SAS. (February 2024)
  • SPPC has issued the main tender for the fifth round of solar projects under the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) which is led and supervised by the Ministry of Energy. The bid submission deadline is 10 June, 2024. (April 2024)
  • The SPPC has extended the bids submission deadline to 22 July, 2024 for the main tender for its fifth round of solar projects under the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) which is led and supervised by the Ministry of Energy. The consortiums that are expected to bid are: JV of Abu Dhabi Future Energy, EDF Renewables and SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development, JV of Marubeni Corporation and Partners, JV of Kahrabel/Engie and Partners, JV of Korea Electric Power Corporation and Partners, JV of Saudi Electricity Company and Jinko Power. (July 2024)
  • Bids submission deadline for the 300 MW Rabigh 2 Solar IPP has been further extended to 12 August, 2024. (July 2024)
  • SPPC has received bids for the main contract for its fifth round of solar projects under the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP). The bidding firm/consortiums are: Alfanar Company, Aljomaih Energy & Water / Total Energies Renewables, EDF Renewables / Etihad Water & Electricity / SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development, Engie / Kahrabel, Jinko Power / Saudi Electricity Company, Masdar / Nesma Renewable Energy / Korea Electric Power Corporation. (September 2024)

  • SPPC has opened bids for the fifth round of solar projects under the NREP. The shortlisted bidders for the four Independent Power Projects (IPPs) are: Al Sadawi IPP: The 2000 MWac Al Sadawi IPP to be located in the Eastern province, KSA. • Consortium of Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar), Korea Electric Power Corporation, GD Power Development Co. Ltd., submitted the price of 4.84736 Halala/kWh (1.29263 USD c/kWh). • Consortium of SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development Co. Ltd and EDF Renouvelables S.A submitted the price of 4.92019 Halala/kWh (1.31205 USD c/kWh). Al-Masaa IPP: The 1000 MWac Al Masa’a IPP to be located in the Hail province, KSA • Consortium of SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development Co. Ltd and EDF Renouvelables S.A submitted the price of 5.13228 Halala/kWh (1.36861 USD c/kWh). • Consortium of Al Jomaih Energy and Water Company, TotalEnergies Renewables submitted the price of 5.25462 Halala/kWh (1.40123 USD c/kWh). Al Henakiyah 2 IPP: The 400 MWac Al Henakiyah 2 IPP to be located in Madinah province, KSA • Consortium of SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development Co. Ltd and EDF Renouvelables S.A submitted the price of 5.68618 Halala/kWh (1.51631 USD c/kWh). • Consortium of Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar), Korea Electric Power Corporation, NESMA Company., submitted the price of 5.90820 Halala/kWh (1.57552 USD c/kWh). Rabigh 2 IPP: The 300 MWac Rabigh 2 IPP to be located in the Makkah Province, KSA. • Consortium of Al Jomaih Energy and Water Company, TotalEnergies Renewables submitted the price of 6.68019 Halala/kWh (1.78138 USD c/kWh). • Consortium of Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar), Korea Electric Power Corporation, NESMA Company., submitted the price of 7.11891 Halala/kWh (1.89838 USD c/kWh). (October 2024)
  • Development contract has been awarded to Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) led consortium, including GD Power Development Co. Ltd of China and Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) for the Al Sadawi IPP project, a 2,000 MWac solar photovoltaic plant to be located in the Sadawi Region of Saudi Arabia. The consortium submitted a price of 4.84736 Halala/kWh (1.29263 USD c/kWh). The PPA for a period of 25-year has been signed with SPPC on a build, own and operate (BOO) basis. The project is scheduled to achieve commercial operation in Q2 2027. (December 2024)

  • SPPC has awarded a contract to a team comprising AlJomaih Energy & Water of Saudi Arabia and TotalEnergies Renewables of France for the 300 MW Rabigh 2 solar IPP. The team proposed developing the project at a levelized electricity cost of $c1.78 a kilowatt-hour (kWh). The PPA for a period of 25-year has been signed with SPPC on a build, own and operate (BOO) basis. The project is scheduled to achieve commercial operation in Q2, 2027. (December 2024)

  • The SPPC has awarded a contract to EDF Renewables of France and its consortium partner SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development Company of China for the 1,000 MW Al-Masaa solar IPP and the 400 MW Al-Henakiyah 2 solar IPP projects. The consortium will develop, build, own and operate the projects as part of a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with SPPC. (December 2024)

Project Contract Awards - Feed
Contractor Prequalified Contractor Bids Submitted Contractor Awarded | Contract Value
Project Contract Awards - PMC
Contractor Prequalified Contractor Bids Submitted Contractor Awarded | Contract Value
  • Not yet tendered
Project Contract Awards - EPC
Contractor Prequalified Contractor Bids Submitted Contractor Awarded | Contract Value
  • Samsung C&T of South Korea
  • Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco)
  • Itochu Corporation
  • Marubeni Corporation
  • Sumitomo Corporation
  • EDF Energies Nouvelles of France
  • Nebras Power of Qatar
  • Masdar of UAE
  • Power Construction Corporation of China
  • Jera of Japan
  • Alfanar of Saudi Arabia
  • Kahrabel of UAE
  • Saudi Electricity Company
  • Al Jomaih Energy & Water Co. Ltd
  • B. Grimm Power Public Company Limited
  • BGL Renewable Energy Systems Installation LLC
  • FAS Energy KSA LLC
  • Gulf Energy Development Public Company Limited
  • Jinko Power (HK)
  • Nesma Renewable Energy
  • SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development Co. Ltd.
  • Total Energies Renewables SAS
  • Shandong Electric Power Construction Corp (SEPCO) of China
  • Aljomaih Energy & Water / Total Energies Renewables
  • Engie / Kahrabel
  • Jinko Power / Saudi Electricity Company
  • Masdar / Nesma Renewable Energy / Korea Electric Power Corporation
  • Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) / GD Power Development Co. Ltd of China / Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)
  • EDF Renewables of France / SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development Company of China
  • Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) / GD Power Development Co. Ltd of China / Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)
  • Alfanar of Saudi Arabia
  • Aljomaih Energy & Water / Total Energies Renewables
  • EDF Renewables of France / SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development Company of China
  • Engie / Kahrabel
  • Jinko Power / Saudi Electricity Company
  • Masdar / Nesma Renewable Energy / Korea Electric Power Corporation
  • Shandong Electric Power Construction Corp (SEPCO) of China
  • Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) / GD Power Development Co. Ltd of China / Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)(Development Contract for 2,000 MWac Al Sadawi IPP project)
  • Aljomaih Energy & Water / Total Energies Renewables(Development Contract for 300 MW Rabigh 2 solar IPP)
  • EDF Renewables of France / SPIC Huanghe Hydropower Development Company of China (Development Contract for 1,000 MW Al-Masaa solar IPP and the 400 MW Al-Henakiyah 2 solar IPP project)
  • Shandong Electric Power Construction Corp (SEPCO) of China(EPC Contract for 300 MWac photovoltaic power project, Rabigh 2)
Related Projects
Saudi Power Procurement Company's (SPPC) NREP - Round 4
Project Schedule

February 2024: Short listing of EPC

April 2024: Invitation to Bid for EPC

September 2024: Bid Submission for EPC of the 3700 MW IPPs

December 2024: Development Contract Awarded for 2,000 MWac Al Sadawi IPP project

December 2024: Development Contract Awarded for the 300 MW Rabigh 2 solar IPP

December 2024: Development Contract Awarded for the 1,000 MW Al-Masaa solar IPP and the 400 MW Al-Henakiyah 2 solar IPP project

January 2025: Contract Awarded for EPC of the 300 MWac Rabigh 2 PV Project

Q4, 2028: Expected Start-up and Commissioning

Project Scope

The project scope involves the development of five new renewable energy independent power producer (IPP) projects under the fifth round of Saudi Arabia’s National Renewable Energy Programme (NREP), which is led and supervised by the Ministry of Energy.


The combined capacity of Round 5 projects is approximately 3700 MW; the projects are as follows:

1. The 2000 MWac Al Sadawi Solar IPP to be located in the Eastern province, KSA.

2. The 1000 MWac Al Masa’a Solar IPP to be located in the Hail province, KSA.

3. The 400 MWac Al Henakiyah 2 Solar IPP to be located in Madinah province, KSA.

4. The 300 MWac Rabigh 2 Solar IPP to be located in the Makkah Province, KSA.


Each project will be developed on a build, own, and operate (BOO) basis by a project company, which will be 100% owned by the successful bidder. Furthermore, each project company will enter into a 25-year power purchase agreement with SPPC.


These projects are part of NREP, which aims to achieve the optimal energy mix, displacing liquid fuels in the Kingdom’s power sector and supply 50% of its electricity from renewable energy by 2030.


The Kingdom’s Ministry of Energy (MOE) is tasked with procuring 30% of this capacity through public tendering, while Saudi sovereign wealth vehicle the Public Investment Fund (PIF) will procure the rest under the kingdom’s Price Discovery Scheme.

Project Structure:
The project is owned, operated and managed by the Saudi Power Procurement Company (SPPC), a subsidiary of Saudi Electricity Company (SEC). SPPC is responsible for the pre-development, tendering, and subsequently offtaking the Energy from the projects.
AmerAl Swaha
Designation: Head - Power Plant Program
Department: Saudi Electricity Company
Phone: +9661 461 9006
Fax: +9661 461 9016
Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral ResourcesSaudi Arabia

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources

Postal Code: 11191

P.O.Box: 247

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Phone: +966114787777
Fax: +966114769017