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Oman Awards Fuel Tanks Building Contract at Shinas Port

Shinas Port, Oman signed an agreement with Zuhoor Al Khaleej company to build fuel tanks and manage supply and storage services.


The agreement, valued at OMR 25,605,500 provides for building tanks with a total capacity of more than 100,000 tonnes per litre.


The agreement was signed by Abdulbaqi Ahmed Al Kindi, CEO of QSS Maritime (the operating company at Shinas Port), and Wahid In at Mansour Yan, Chairman of the executing company’s Board of Directors.


Khater Ali Al Maamari, Executive Director of Shinas Port, said that the agreement stems from a strategy to expand business operations at the port, notably by developing storage and fuel supply services and providing tanks for various petroleum products.


Al Maamari pointed out that the step would enhance commercial activities at the port, meet the needs of adjoining areas and boost the port’s capacity to attract more investments.


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