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Iraq Minister of Oil Inspects Progress on the Karbala Oil Refinery

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil for Refining Affairs, Mr. Hamid Younis, inspected the Karbala Oil Refinery with the aim of reviewing and following up on the progress of the ongoing work of the process of producing gasoline, gas oil and other products according to the planned technical specifications, in addition to the storage, disposal and marketing mechanisms.


The Undersecretary chaired a meeting that included the refinery director, a number of refinery officials, a representative of the Oil Projects Company and the Korean consortium, as well as a representative of the consulting company.


Younis stressed that this field visit comes in implementation of the Minister’s directive on the necessity of field follow-up of facilities and projects, and to monitor the stages of production, indicating that the refinery sector is continuing to implement the government’s vision and the Ministry’s plans to develop Iraqi refineries and establish and operate new refineries. To achieve self-sufficiency in petroleum products and a gradual transition to export.


The visit included inspecting a number of production units, control centers, and gasoline improvement units, and meeting with officials and workers.


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