Bid & Tender


OTC Signs Deal to Roll Out Telecom Tower Infrastructure at Duqm Port

Oman Towers Company (OTC) said it has signed an exclusive agreement with Port of Duqm Company (PODC) to roll out telecom tower infrastructure for mobile operators within the port's concession land.


OTC is an infrastructure solutions provider for greenfield towers, rooftops, in-building solutions and other innovative ideas for the fourth industry revolution.


The agreement will allow OTC to accommodate all service operators with different technologies on its towers in an open access, which means it will save capex investment, time and enhance the efficiency, said a statement from Port of Duqm.


This agreement is a boost to the infrastructure within the Duqm region and makes it a definite investment hub for investors, it stated.


Moving ahead with the coming technologies like 5G, IOT and others, OTC is working with suppliers of street furniture to accommodate future antennas, it added.


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