Bid & Tender
Company Details


Sector: Petrochemical


146-12 Susong dong
Jongno gu


About Us:

Boasting of the longest history in the Korean construction industry, Daelim is a powerhouse and a global company that is actively engaged in business in the four corners of the world.


Founded as Burim Corporation in 1939, Daelim has been playing a pivotal role in Korea’s construction history, taking pride in the fact that Korea’s construction history is the history of Daelim. It is not an exaggeration to say that most Korea’s landmark buildings have been completed with the help of Daelim including Korea’s artery road, Gyeongbu Expressway, Seoul Metropolitan Subway, POSCO, National Assembly Building, Seoul Olympic Main Stadium, Gwanghwamun Square, and World’s 4th Longest Suspension Bridge.

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