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NTPC Partners with MBL to Reduce Power Projects’ Emissions

NTPC has partnered with Macawber Beekay (MBL) to supply charcoal (green coal) to help the energy utility reduce carbon emissions in electricity generation.


MBL has received three NTPC's green coal projects at different sites. To supply the material, MBL will set up three green coal manufacturing units having the capacity to treat 900 tpd MSW in Noida, 500 tpd in Bhopal and 400 tpd in Hubbali. Green coal is charcoal made using municipal solid waste (MSW), through the thermal treatment process of torrefaction.


The three projects are expected to be completed by August 2025 on engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) mode. After completion, the total waste handling capacity of the four projects will reach 2,400 tpd and produce 800 tonne of green coal per day for NTPC.


This is in addition to a similar project bagged from NTPC in Varanasi earlier, involving a capacity 600 tpd waste handling capacity, and generating 200 tonne of green coal on a daily basis. Noida-based Macawber Beekay is a leading company in the waste-to-energy segment.


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